Categories: Desk Lamp

Top 5 Best LED Nail Lamp Reviews

Nail dryers are a fascination like no other. The first time I came across one of these incredible devices was when I took my friend to get her nail polished. After getting her nails done, I was worried that we would stick around for hours waiting for the polish to dry naturally.

Well, that was not the case, she was asked to put her hands in this LED nail lamp, and within a few minutes, the polish was perfectly dry. I was impressed. I later learned that she only went to the beauty parlor only because she lacked the nail dryer.

Later that year, I brought her a nail dryer as a birthday gift, and I could tell she was very thrilled. I heard to do plenty of research so that I could end up picking the perfect LED nail dryer for my friend. Below is a comprehensive list of some of the best LED nail lamp that I came across during my extensive search.

5 Best LED Nail Lamps in the Market

There are quite a number of LED nail lamps in the market. This makes it hard to narrow down to the perfect nail dryer.

To have a successful LED nail dryer hunt, you need to at least get acquainted with a number of features such as the types of nail polish it can cure, the lifespan of the best LED nail lamp and the design of the LED nail dryer among others. Some of the best nail dryers include:

1. LUXEUP UV Nail Lamp Dryer

Best LED Nail LampBest LED Nail Lamp

This is among the best nail dryers in the market due to its ergonomic build and incredible features. It is designed to work in any environment and cure most nail polish such as CND Shellac, OPI or LED nail gel, rhinestone gems glue and nail sculpture gel among others.

Every single feature it has ensures efficient and safe nail curing. All you have to do is plug it in power and watch it get the job done.

What I like

Some of the main features that captured my attention include its spacious design that enables you to cure all your 10 fingernails or toenails at once. It also has an incredible LED nail lamp that have a power of 54Watts. This means that it will completely shorten the amount of time you will take to cure your nails.

The nail curing area has a total of 36 pieces of LED lights with durability of 50,000hours. For comfortability, the dryer is designed to emit only 99s of heat which is good.

What I don’t like

Despite having some of the most sought after features by nail professionals, the LUXEUP UV nail lamp dryer only has a single timer mode of 99s.

This means that the LED nail lamp doesn’t give you complete control when it comes to settings. This means that if someone is not comfortable with that heat mode, the whole LED nail lamp becomes completely useless.


  • Has a durable build.
  • Can cure a lot of nail gels and designs.
  • Easy to use.
  • Has a sensor.
  • Comes with a clear LED display.
  • Very spacious.


  • Has only one heat mode.

2. OHIYO Light LED Nail Dryer

This is a superior nail curing dryer. It comes with two light sources, there is the LED nail lamp and the UV nail lamp. It is meant to completely save your time when it comes to beautifying your nails. It can help cure LED gels, Acrylic gels, UV gels, nail sculpture gel and gem glue among many others.

What I like

The four different heat modes it comes with impressed me. You can switch the heat mode to 10s, 30s, 60s and 99s. It also comes with a timer which you can set to work constantly or for a period of time.

The nail curing lamp also has a memory and so you can simply check out when you come back it will pick up from the time it left of making it very convenient. It comes with durability of 50,000hours making it perfect for use. The LED nail lamp also has a spacious design and can fit all 10 fingernails or toenails.

What I don’t like

The dryer comes with 75Watt lamps. This means that it consumes a significant amount of power and using it constantly can impact your power bill. You should thus minimize your usage of the lamp if at all you don’t want to end up increasing your electric bill.


  • Very convenient.
  • Can accommodate all 10 fingernails.
  • Has a great LED display.
  • It is durable.
  • Has adjustable heat modes.
  • Comes with a timer.


  • Consumes a lot of power.

3. SUNUV SUN2C 48W LED UV Nail Lamp

This nail dryer comes with both UV and LED nail lamps making it very convenient. It is so far among the most ideal UV and LED nail lamps in the market. The dryer is fitted with 33 nail lamps for convenience. It also comes with many other remarkable features which you will love.

What I Like

Some of the major features I love about SUNUV SUN2C is its remarkably low wattage of 48Watts. This means that it won’t cause a spike in your electric bill. It also comes with an adjustable heat mode capabilities.

You can decide to pick either 10s, 30s, 60s or 90s. It has four timer settings for convenience and can and a prolonged lifespan of 50,000hours which is quite impressive. You will also get to enjoy the auto sensor and a colorful chic design.

What I don’t like

I was slightly let down by the simple fact that the UV and LED nail lamp can only cure five fingernails or toe tails at ago.

This means that it will take you quite some time to finish the curing process on both the hands and feet. It also lacks a display screen and so you will find it hard to understand what’s going on.


  • You can set the heat quantity.
  • Comes with a preset mode for time.
  • Has an automatic sensor.
  • Comes with a long lifespan.
  • Very portable.
  • Has a chic design.


  • Lacks a display screen.
  • Can only cure five fingernails or toenails at a go.


This is quite a unique nail lamp that comes with a great design and an LCD display screen to keep you abreast with your selections. It has a total of 24 lamps as well as other useful features that will make sure you always have an easy time drying your incredible nail polish whenever you want.

What I like

This timer can accommodate 10 fingernails or toenails making very convenient. It also comes with low power consumption UV LED lamps of 48Watts. You have the ability to switch the heat mode to three settings.

When you use the 99S, it will switch to the painless mode which will give you a comfortable nail curing time. To ensure that it serves you for quite a long time, the UV LED nail lamps are designed to last for 50,000 hours.

What I don’t like

According to my keen observation, the UV LED nail lamp is not as superior as the contemporary UV lamps in the market. It comes with only 24 UV LED lamps which means that it is not as powerful as it is required to be. It also lacks the auto sensor mode.


  • Very spacious.
  • Consumes less power.
  • Has 4 timer settings.
  • It is durable.
  • Has a chic design.


  • Has only 24 UV LED nail lamps
  • Lacks auto sensor mode.

5. MelodySusie LED Nail Lamp

MelodySusie comes with a compact build that is not only great but also very appealing. It has the ability to cure all types of gel nail polishes and can be used both at home and in the salon. It is a small, LED nail lamp with just enough features to get the job done.

What I Like

What makes me thrilled most about MelodySusie is that it consumes low power thanks to its 48Watt LED nail lamps. It carries a total of 18 LED lamps which are enough considering its small size.

It also has 3 timer settings and a display to keep you informed of your selections. It is thus the best LED nail lamp for nail curing.

What I Don’t Like

I completely understand that MelodySusie is all about a compact design. I just don’t think I am at peace with it curing only 5 fingernails or toenails at a go. It would have been much easier to cure a pair at a go. I also would prefer it to come with a heat selection mode for convenience.


  • Very portable.
  • Has 3 timer settings.
  • It is durable.
  • Comes with an auto sensor.


  • Can only fit 5 fingernails or toenails.
  • Has no heat selection mode.

The list contains some of the best LED nail lamp in the market. Each nail dryer has specific features that make it unique from the other.

Make sure when you are picking which nail dryer to use, you consider the timer setting modes, heat setting modes and whether it can fit a pair of your hands or feet.

Also, pay close attention to the watts, they will determine how big of an impact the best LED nail lamp will have on your electric bill.


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